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ICO Guides

Due to its extremely strict standards when onboarding new projects, Binance currently only offers 11 meme coins. 

Before allowing a token to be launched on its platform, the cryptocurrency exchange assesses it based on its growth potential, community support, and authenticity. 

However, according to rumors, a new meme coin called Dogeverse may be able to get listed on Binance because of its ground-breaking multi-chain status and high initial demand. 

If the rumors are accurate, Dogeverse has a good chance of becoming the next big meme coin and exceeding the optimistic 100x–1000x predictions of popular YouTube traders. 

Dogeverse: The Coin Meme Community is Bullish - But What Is It?

As mentioned previously, a multi-chain meme coin called Dogeverse will launch on six different blockchain ecosystems. It would, in fact, be the first meme coin to do so.

The token will soon go live on Solana and Base and be available on Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and BNB Chain. 

With a few button clicks, token holders will be able to switch chains and take advantage of each ecosystem's offerings. On Ethereum, for example, they can receive staking rewards with a reward rate of more than 200%. On Base or Solana, they could also take advantage of the low-cost trading fees. 

Considering that the exchange supports the integration of its token and services in new cryptocurrency projects, the availability of Dogeverse on the BNB Chain is also sparking rumors about Binance. 

Memes have also functioned as leveraged bets on the corresponding native tokens. For example, Solana meme coins like Dogwifhat could ride the wave of success created by SOL and even surpass it in the short run. 

Dogeverse can now take advantage of six different layer-1 tokens because of its multi-chain status, which is a great asset in a bull market.

Due to this creative idea, there is a lot of excitement surrounding the project; in just one week, the Dogeverse presale raised over $4.5 million. Experts on YouTube and smart money traders are also intrigued by the new meme coin.

According to cryptocurrency analyst ClayBro, the token will provide 20 times returns once it launches.

Similarly, Dogeverse may be the next 100x meme coin, according to the popular YouTube channel 99Bitcoins, which has over 700k subscribers.

Analyst Roshawn Silva agrees with this opinion as well. TodayTrader, on the other hand, projects returns of up to 1000 times.

Could Dogeverse be Listed on Binance?

Any cryptocurrency exchange, including Binance, appreciates a new project having a strong community behind it.

With its presale fundraiser and now rosy price predictions, Dogeverse appears to be very popular in the meme coin circles. As we near Doge Day on April 20th, the hype surrounding all things Doge will increase in momentum.

Because of its market cap, Dogecoin remains very tied to the general bearish mood in the market. Investors are currently on a hunt for new, low cap options.

Dogeverse can differentiate itself from the competition due to its creative multi-chain status and staking program, even though most new meme coins are utilityless pump-and-dump schemes. 

Binance also prefers projects developed under the strictest security requirements. There are no client funds at significant risk from security perspective, based on Coinsult's audit of the Dogeverse smart contract. The smart contract owner shall not perform any illegal activities such as coin minting and blacklisting address.

Dogeverse has listed the audit report, tokenomics and project roadmap directly on their website to promote full transparency.

How Can I Purchase the New Meme Coin?

For Dogeverse to be listed on Binance, The remaining early buyers will make (even more) money The token can be acquried for a discounted price of $0.000295 during the presale stage.

This rate increases after tomorrow, on Tuesday, and the present presale phase will finish. Purchasers of the Ethereum will also start receiving lesser staking rewards soon so it is still "early bird gets the worm".

To visit the Dogeverse presale, potential buyers have to connect their wallet through using the buy over-the-counter widget. They can purchase the token using a bank card, or swap ETH, BNB, MATIC or AVAX.

Dogeverse purchases will be available on the Solana and Base chains.

Could This New Crypto Presale Soon Launch on Binance?

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Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have become a popular financing mechanism used by cryptocurrency and blockchain technology startups to raise funds. As part of the ICO process, there is an initial phase called the ICO presale that helps set up a project for success and gathers early investors.

Introduction to ICO Presale

What is ICO?

First, let us get to know some basics of an ICO before going into particularities related to ICO presales. ICO is also known as Initial Coin Offering and it is a fundraising mechanism used by new blockchain projects to sell the token hierarchy of the project. It typically involves a company creating and selling their own unique type of digital currency to investors in exchange for more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Definition of ICO Presale

ICO presales are the first sales of their tokens to be sold in a limited price for buyers so they can the token with a less price, then paid money and get their requested coins. Usually for a cheaper price than at the public sale, this exclusive offering is meant to attract early project supporters and contributors.

How Does ICO Presale Work?

Overview of the ICO Process

An ICO proceeds through a well-structured systematic process wherein the project is announced and elaborate details of its features, technology involved and token metrics are made available in one such document know as whitepaper. After which, comes the presale phase prior to the public sale enabling early investors to buy tokens from relatively good rates.

Role of Presale in ICO

The use of a pre-sale phase in an ICO serves multiple related purposes. These help the project team to measure investor demand and get financing to start developing. It also rewards the early backers with exclusive access to some of these tokens, and provides inherent incentive for them to actively contribute towards making sure that this project is a successful one.

Benefits of Participating in ICO Presale

Early Access to Tokens

Perhaps the most significant advantage to getting involved with an ICO presale is securing access to a project's tokens before they are released into the wider world. Access to the token presale may lead investors to acquire a proportionately larger batch of tokens with potentially lower rates.

Potential Discounts or Bonuses

While Initial Coin Offerings offer presales during which tokens may be sold at a discount or with some kind of bonus in order to trigger and motivate early-than-average investment. These discounts are project-dependent and in general more discounted than the public sale.

Opportunity for Early Investment

This way investors can invest in projects that entering the market via ICO but still have a huge development ahead of them. And because of the fact that early investment could make you earn a lot more if the project works and its tokens price goes up over time.

Risks Associated with ICO Presale

Lack of Regulation

It is true that there far less regulatory supervision in the cryptocurrency domain of those inherent perils associated with ICO presales in relation to ICO presale. ICOs take place in a largely unregulated environment that allows the organizer to raise funds with little or no regulatory oversight, increasing the risk of an ICO turning out to be a scam for investors.

Potential for Scams or Fraud

Since ICOs are decentralized and largely unregulated, the potential to scam or defraud investors during presales soars. The involvement of the project team, their faith and aim If this is mentioned that it will win a billion dollars in market cap, you should know without further explanation most obvious thing you have to do due diligence for this necessity be really comprehensive work on your own publish the outcome.

Uncertain Project Viability

However, when investing in ICO presales and token sales you are essentially backing projects that have no guarantees they will be able to achieve their goals. Competitive landscape and market conditions will inherently impact the long-term viability of a project — but technological challenges too.

Factors to Consider Before Participating in ICO Presale

Project Credibility and Team Expertise

Investors should be wary of participating in an ICO presale, as it is important for them to evaluate whether developers have a proven track record before attempting the project. The background of the team and their strength work wonders in actually implementing what they have promised.

Whitepaper Evaluation

You should also read a project's whitepaper to learn more about its tech, vision, and tokenomics. Investors should read the whitepaper closely for clarity, transparency, and alignment with their investment goals.

Market Demand and Competition

The project should try to understand the extent of market demand that exists for its product or service, as well an lay competitive landscape which may provide significant insights into prospect of success. Before investing, check out the project's unique selling proposition (USP) and its differentiation strategy to understand why it stands out from other similar projects in the market.

Steps to Participate in ICO Presale

Research and Due Diligence

Before investing your funds in an ICO presale, make sure you do some research and due diligence about the project, team or technology involved. This Handbook to help you distinguish the project a real and how capable it survives for long term.

Whitelisting or Registration Process

Participation identity verification: Some ICO presales require investors to complete a whitelist or registration process. You should follow the steps that are given by the team of this project in order to become eligible for participation and getting hold on some tokens.

Contribution Methods and Requirements

Learn about the contribution methods accepted by the project and make sure your investment meets any minimum requirements. However, it is advised to read the presale terms and conditions beforehand in order to prevent any confusion or discrepancy.

Real-Life Examples of Successful ICO Presales


In 2014, the popular blockchain platform Ethereum held an ICO presale for its cryptocurrency Ether, amassing more than $18mil in Bitcoin. The ICO ultimately became one of the most popular cryptocurrency platforms by the number of DApps and smart contracts and is positioned as a global ecosystem for such financial and legal assets as cryptocurrencies.


The raises are the latest in ICO news from around the globe: IO, a blockchain protocol for decentralized applications conducted one of the largest ICO presales to date raising more than $4 bln in contributions. The project aimed to deliver an easy and scalable DApps and blockchain development platform.


A prominent messaging app, Telegram also released its plans for an ICO presale next year in January when the company managed to attract $1. The project planned to create the Telegram Open Network (TON), a blockchain platform that helps decentralized communication, digital payments, and more.


For these offerings, ICO presales provide critical resources that are leveraged to develop and finance blockchain projects. Although ICO presale has many risks such as no regulations, easier to defraud and it also depending on the projects. Investors thinking about participating in ICO presales ought to conduct research on projects, seeking the highest certainty that they can gain of a project is valid or should be successful.

What Is ICO Presale?

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In the world of business and startups, creative fundraising strategies have disrupted the traditional way that capital is raised for new projects in a digital age. This created an opportunity for lower regulatory standards, and decentralized means to raise money with cryptocurrencies via Initial Coin Offerings, which became quite popular. But how does an ICO work? From the muddy waters of ICOs, let us now dive into how this brilliantly new mechanism works.

Understanding ICOs

Initial Coin Offerings — ICOs (funding a project by launching your own crypto) Stake — These tokens either have utility or give a stake in the ecosystem like traditional IPO shares.

The Basics of ICOs

ICOs involve several key players and components, including:

  • Project Team: The core team behind the project, including developers, marketers, and advisors, plays a pivotal role in conceptualizing and executing the ICO.
  • Whitepaper: A long and formal document that explains the concept, goals, specs (tech), token distribution & schedule of your project is a must to attract the investor.
  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts, which are deployed on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, ensure that tokens are automatically distributed to the liquidity pool upon receipt of ether payment from investors at the end of the ICO.
  • Token Sale: At this stage, investors buy tokens using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum giving the project capital that can be used to develop.

The ICO Process

  1. Project Ideation and Whitepaper Creation: The project team comes up with a use case, write an impedance white paper outlining their objectives for the project, tokenomics and timelines.
  1. Token Generation: ‘Token’ generating a smart contract which including the upper cap of total supply and distribution mechanism for tokens as well any operation related with this feature.
  1. Marketing and Investor Outreach: Make sure you have a strategic marketing mechanism in place so that you are able to go global with your token sale and attract potential investors who would like to participate and buy-in in the successful ICO.

  2. Token Sale: The token sale whereby investors are able to purchase tokens in exchange for cryptocurrencies. Duration and pricing Model of the ICO: Depend on project strategy.
  1. Token Distribution: After the ICO is finished, tokens are given out to investors according to proper terms as mentioned in smartcontract.
  1. Post-ICO Operations: The project team ensuring that the project team executes on everything it said it would do in its whitepaper — i.e. product development, community engagement and exchange listings.

The Advantages of ICOs

There are a number of advantages to using an ICO as a method for fundraising, as opposed to traditional models.

  • Global Accessibility: ICOs provide an opportunity to attract worldwide pool-related investors at a minimal price.
  • Decentralization: Using blockchain technology, ICOs allow companies to raise money from anyone with an Internet connection.
  • Liquidity: This provides token holders means of trading their investments on the cryptocurrency exchanges which might turn them into returns.

How Does ICO Work?

At its heart, an ICO is a crowdfunding system carried out on the blockchain that involves startups raising capital by distributing original digital tokens to investors. Catalysts, in flip, acquire investments inside the shape of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum with the aid of those tokens. The success factor of an ICO is the credibility of the project, market demand for market players, confidence-oriented investors.


ICOs are a great way of opening up the world to capital for any number of creative projects and have revolutionized startup fundraising. It is critical for investors and businesses looking to leverage this innovative technology to support new forms of digital financial intermediation like ICOs to gain an accurate understanding of how initial coin offerings (ICOs) work.

How Does ICO Work?

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Although both serve the purpose of companies for capital raising ICOs and IPOs are similar in function, they are very different in execution, regulation, and investor participation. To help you understand their similarities and differences in this guide we are going to explore IPOs vs ICOs.


  • ICO: ICO is a method of fund raising that is typically used to advance a new digital currency / cryptocurrency project. The most common tokens issued in these types of crowdfunding are utility tokens and its another variant ownership crowd funding.
  • IPO: The IPO is the first offering of shares of stock to the public by a private company to raise capital, which allows the public to purchase a company's ownership interest.

Regulatory Environment

  • ICO: ICOs are less regulated in comparison to the IPO with slight oversight from regulatory bodies. A patchwork of jurisdictions have issued ICO-specific guidance or introduced laws that apply to some or all ICOs, but the regulatory landscape continues to evolve.
  • IPO: IPOs are heavily regulated by well-established government agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, and when a company makes its IPO, it is required to meet very specific criteria and disclose certain specific information according to the law of the country. Before going public, companies have to satisfy a considerable amount of due diligence, audits, and regulatory approvals.

Investor Participation

  • ICO: ICOs have all but two types of investor - the retail investors, accredited investors, and institutional investors. Anybody with an internet connection and cryptocurrency can normally participate in an ICO, giving investors across the board access.
  • IPO: An initial public offering or public float is where shares in the private company are first sold to the general public. Those IPO shares are subject to underwriting arrangements and often allocated to institutional investors, leaving some retail investors with nothing.

Ownership and Governance

  • ICO: The mass purchase of a cryptocurrency in return for legal tender or other virtual currencies developed to help fund the company behind the cryptocurrency. On the other hand, token holders usually do not have traditional ownership rights or any say in the governance of the project.
  • IPO: An IPO is when investors buy stock in the company, that stock is then the voting and ownership interest in the company governance. Shareholders can vote on company matters like electing members to the board, and also can receive dividends or join a stock buyback.

Risk and Return

  • ICO: For ICO investment, the risk is also much higher due to the absence of supervision and control from the above parties, as well as a huge uncertainty and lack of transparency and investor protection. Investing in ICO can give a high return, but there are high risks too, so the investor has to do his Due diligence and research about the project.
  • IPO: Investing in an IPO is usually less risky than an ICO because of the many regulatory requirements and oversight. But that said, IPOs are risky and dynamics such as market volatility, business performance, regulatory and compliance issues play a part.


Whilst they appear similar and provide a means of companies to raise capital, other forms of the stock market, ICOs and IPOs are inherently different in many ways ranging from regulatory oversight, investor participation, ownership structure and risk profile.

ICOs constitute a more open and far-reaching capital raising vehicle, whereas IPOs come with an additional layer of regulatory oversight, and enshrined ownership rights in the hands of participants. It is important for those investing in ICOs and companies looking to raise funds in the capital markets to be aware of the differences between ICOs and IPOs.

ICO vs. IPO: Understanding the Difference

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ICO, has appeared as one of the most popular ways for companies in the cryptocurrency field to raise money by giving investors digital tokens to use as funding for new ventures or projects. 

Over the next few articles, we are going to dig deeper into the most exciting aspect of the blockchain: ICO, how it works, what to look out and how best to invest in an upcoming ICO to minimize or hedge risks. Feel free to add on if you see chink of grey areas not touched on.

What is an Initial Coin Offering (ICO)?

Cryptocurrency projects use a fundraising mechanism known as an Initial Coin Offering to raise capital by selling digital tokens to investors. Other than being a tradable asset, these tokens often serve other purposes such as giving different privileges within the project's ecosystem. 

Though similar to a traditional IPO, ICOs are different in multiple ways, including the project structure, lack of regulatory oversight, and less involvement from investors.

How Do ICOs Work?

How does ICO work? When an ICO, the project team publishes a whitepaper that explains project goals, technologies, tokenomics and roadmaps. To be part of the ICO, investors buy the project tokens using some of the other cryptos, such as Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). 

Investors receive a particular number of tokens in return for their investment that give them access to services and benefits within the project or on the other hand tokens can possess voting right or profit distributions

Key Considerations for Investors

Read the whitepaper and do your due diligence and research before investing in any ICO. Few important points to consider:

  1. Project Team: Rating the experience, knowledge, and credibility of the project team relative to their track record within the cryptocurrency industry.
  2. Technology: Assess the project's tech, the blockchain it is built on, the consensus mechanism, and solutions for scalability.
  3. Tokenomics: The token economics and distribution, like the total token supply, token allocation, and the way that their ICO proceeds, are used.
  4. Regulatory compliance: Be mindful of the regulatory framework concerning ICOs in your country and make sure that the project meets all the legal requirements.
  5. Community and Partnerships: Determine if the project has significant community backing and engagement, as well as any partnerships with respected organizations/groups in the industry.

Key Considerations for Projects

This is especially crucial for projects looking to execute an ICO as failing to do so will likely result in the inability for a successful fundraising campaign. There are a few key considerations that you'll need to grapple with:

  1. Whitepaper: Create a detailed whitepaper capturing the project vision, technology, use-cases, tokenomics, against which will make also to attract investors on one side and bootstrap your project in other side.
  2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Seek advice from a qualified lawyer and conduct your offering in compliance with applicable legal, regulatory and securities requirements in every jurisdiction where you conduct an ICO.
  3. Marketing and Communication: Create a marketing channel to introduce the project to potential investors, including social media, forum, exhibitions, etc, based on the total amount of the ICO campaign.
  4. Data Security and Transparency: Initiate appropriate security mechanisms to safeguard the funds and personal information of the investors and keep them informed about the development and progression of the project with full transparency and timely updates.
  5. Token Sale Structure: The structure for token sales needs to be considered in order to encourage sensible investors to join the project and support over a long period.


The much-preferred fundraising method in the crypto world is ICOs which have helped in raising the much-needed capital for projects and also present an early-stage investment opportunity for the investors. 

This comes with a list of caveats including potential regulatory challenges, market volatility, and all manner of security risks. With proper research and compliance, stakeholders can build a channel for responsible engagement with the opportunities made available by ICOs.

Introduction to Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

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An Initial Coin Offerings presale is a great way for investors to obtain tokens before everyone else, at a reduced cost, as well as a number of other perks.

In other words, presales are commonly only opened to the strategic investors, the early supporters and the wealthy individuals who then pour in significant amount of capital to the project.

Follow this guide for details on how to partake in an ICO pre sale, and the steps you must take to secure your share of the tokens.

Research the Project

Make sure you do your due diligence on the project, team, tech, tokenomics and roadmap before ever touching an ICO presale.

Check the projects whitepaper, website, and their presence on social media and community engagement, in order to evaluate the credibility, feasibility, and chance of success for the project.

Read the project communication with a grain of salt and see that the communication is transparent, clear, and professional, and that it follow your investment objectives and the amount of risk you are able to handle.

Join Whitelists and Waitlists

ICO Pre-Sales are when they require you to sign up for a whitelist or waitlist to participate. Whitelists: Lists that require users to qualify, and often include requirements like KYC verifications, accreditations, or holding a specified limit of tokens.

Waitlists Waitlists are a best effort tool to help with managing demand and granting presales on a first-come, first-serve basis. When it comes to ICO presale, you just have to register to the whitelist or waitlist of a project via its website or official channels, then follow the instructions that are given.

Complete KYC/AML Verification

Most ICO presales require  AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) verification.

These include a KYC (know your customer) process where you are required to submit your personal details such as your full name, address, date of birth along with documents that prove your identity.

Observe KYC/AML verification by way of steps launched by the mission, publish required docs, and look forward to approval as to take part in presale.

Allocate Funds

After successfully applying to the ICO presale, receive permission to buy tokens (whitelisted), or to obtain a slot in the presale, collect the amount of money you want to invest.

First, decide how much you want to invest in the presale - in accordance with your risk appetite, investment goals, and the terms of the project's token supply.

Have a signification amount of money in your cryptocurrency wallet or exchange account in order to proceed with the investment once the presale opens.

Participate in the Presale

Just make sure not to miss out when the ICO preorder begins by doing what the project instruct and secure your share of the token.

Usually this means sending your contribution using cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin or Ethereum) to the address of the wallet that the project provides before the deadline.

Make sure you paste the right wallet address, and provide the necessary transaction data like an ID or memo to help your contribution to be processed.

Confirm Receipt of Tokens

Keep an eye on your cryptocurrency wallet or exchange account after you have taken part in the ICO presale as soon as the tokens arrive.

Upon completion of the presale you will receive your tokens either right away or at a later time according to the projects token distribution schedule.

You need to confirm if you have received tokens and to check with the transaction information such as the numbers of the tokens and any discounts or benefits.

Secure Your Tokens

When you have received your tokens from the ICO presale, also be sure to secure them properly. Send the tokens to a safe wallet of your choice like a hardware wallet or a cold storage software wallet. 

Secure your tokens from burglary, hacking or any illegal access by: Do Use two-factor authentication (2FA) and follow safety suggestions for wallets.


An ICO presale is when a company sells its coins before the actual, official ICO time, and participants get early access to the tokens at a discount, but also need to be really careful and do the full research. Do your own research, pass KYC and AML verification, and manage the funds wisely.

Follow the steps at the project to get your token. Because ICOs are speculative and risky, punt only as much as you can afford to lose.

How to Participate in an ICO Presale

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