0xDistro functions as an autonomous decentralized finance project which serves as a store of value by generating automatic interest through its operations. 0xDistro issues 2,500,000 new tokens monthly as 0.25% of its total supply by distributing them uniformly among users who possess 0xDistro tokens. The chance to be chosen in this distribution grows with more tokens you hold and the longer you maintain ownership of them.
Project Goals and Objectives
0xDistro is designed to create a decentralized metasight store of value through an intrinsic interest mechanism. Monthly minting of 2,500,000 new tokens to be distributed amongst randomly selected holders will also incentivize long term holding and stability for the token. By focusing on these aspects, this approach aims to minimize reliance on external markets and promote a self-sustaining ecosystem.
The hard cap of 0xDistro tokens is 1,000,000,000 distributed on the tokenomics as follows: 60% for the ICO sale, 20% for founders and 20% for partners. Unsold tokens during the ICO are locked for 3 months before releasing them bit by bit. Such a methodical allocation provides a comprehensive range of token access as well as project capitalisation.
ICO Information
0xDistro ICO started on April 4, 2024 and ended on June 4, 2024. DSTRO's initial rate during the ICO was $0.001 per token, and payments were accepted in WBNB, USDT, BUSD, and USDC. Soft cap was $150,000; hard cap, $66,600,000. In order to fund the development of the project according to the operational activities above, this fundraising method was applied.
Technology Features
The developers designed 0xDistro using Binance Smart Chain technology for its BEP20 token implementation. Users can benefit from Chainlink’s Verifiable Random Function (VRF) technology which provides fair distribution of tokens on a monthly basis. The integration strengthens the security features while keeping processes transparent to establish trust from users about system integrity.
Team and Leadership
Founder Greg Heade heads the 0xDistro project and has presented a defined path of the platform and its place in the DeFi ecosystem. This way, the team shows that they are constantly thinking of ways to innovate and add their own value to the crypto ecosystem using something as basic as their currency.
The ICO will become publicly listed during Q1 2024 as part of the project timeline. Research will begin to search for a development partner who will work on full node query and support features in Q1/Q2 2024. Q2/Q3 2024: Commencement of full-time development of the 0xDistro token. In Q4 of 2024 the project will provide a beta release while performing comprehensive tests before making it publicly available.
DSTRO tokens will become available for trading operations on public exchanges during Q1/Q2 2025. The roadmap establishes an organized method for development and testing and deployment which would lead to the public release in 12 to 18 months since ICO launch.